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VFI productions™ is already making its second film production, no less that with an international co-production.

After attending the Television market (MIPTV) at Cannes together with Mexico and Argentina. The production is halfway

with what is expected to be their first comedy. A film in co-production with Ireland, Mexico, France, Argentina and of course,

Chile. This film will have an important cast of each country already mentioned. In a very confidential stage, the production

has mentioned that the film will not be shoot 100% in Latin America but Ireland will be the main set for this new story that

aims to break with all the schemes of production that have been raised along the way in Latin productions based abroad.

For this, the executive producers of the film  (Chile Argentina and Mexico) tell us a little about what this group of producers

intends for this co-production :

"We believe in something simple. A conjunction of different inter-linked producers will bring us closer to

a much larger market in matters of audiences. For that, of course, we will not forget the strategic points

that we must touch. Be it actors, sets and everything that has to do with preparing a good movie. "

For that, the executive production department of VFI ™ is located in Europe forming an alliance between producers from

different countries, which they have named as "WE, THE LITTLE PEOPLE ™" International production company.

This great production group is already working on the preparation of the same, and the film may be release for the end of

next year. Los Pandas™.


VFI productions™ (Chile-Argentina)

were participants in the large MIPTV television market in Cannes, France.

A project of great importance that they are preparing under advisory services from non-minor institutions such as Onusida, Unicef, Unesco, Ministry of Education of Chile, among others.


This is a project for all Latin America, in TV format, which will be led by Mexico as a promoter country. For now, what can be counted is totally confidential between the 3 countries.


Supported by Film commission Chile and COMEFILM Mexico.

In addition, the production attended the premiere of the series

The premiere of the first chapter of "Aquí en la tierra (Here on earth)", held at the Palais

des Festivals, Cannes was attended by its protagonists: Alfonso Dosal, Paulina Dávila and  Gael Garcia Bernal.


The movie was shot in the summer of 2016, with the great performance of two recognized artists. The dancers and actors Claudia Vicuña and Alejandro Cáceres.VFI productions™ announces their leading actors just before the pre-release of the distribution of the film (2017).

Claudia, who besides being a dancer is also a choreographer, 

has been recognized in our country and internationally.

Also an award winning “Altazor ” for best dancer in the play “P.A.F.”


Alejandro is a dancer, choreographer and dance teacher. Specialized in training professionals in the artistic area, and also training people who are interested in the creative body work.

Both have performed many plays together in Chile and abroad. Being this project, one more to achieve on their experience.

Among their joint productions are “Contenedor”, “Magnificar”, and “P.A.F.”, under the Cáceres-Vicuña direction.

“P.A.F.  definitely was the detonator  trigger that made me want to work with them… but in a movie”, according to J. Andrés Arce, director of the film. Without any questions, this duo has already acquired a foolproof fiato, by having an extensive experience working together, achieving excellent results.

This time they intend to surprise us with a new project. But instead of theatre, it will be in a motion picture format.

This is a dark love story, according to the director. Set between the 1930's. This story takes place in the middle of a crisis between two people who cannot help their daily life. They've got stuck in some kind of a pointless paranoia and guilt that will explode in the most unexpected way we can imagine.

“There are some breakage languages that are beautiful” The Executive Producer, Eduardo Arce, says. “From a different point of view of what we´re used to see. I think this will captivate more than one person in the audience, especially those who are familiar with the artistic performance of this duo. “

The film is a national production with foreign support. Sponsored by international entities as UNESCO, and  patronage by the Municipality of Providencia, City Government, Chile. Who provided a heritage property as a film location.

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